Group 5: Fake or Real

Community Partner: MYMCA

Target Audience – Seniors/Elderly

Brief Project Overview: The pilot project “Fake or Real” is a simple board game that aims to fortify seniors' knowledge and awareness of Fake News that are currently spreading around the society and how to identify it.

Goals and Objectives: Our goal was to empower seniors to identify Fake News and find out features of Fake News. Seniors in Singapore are very aware of ways Fake News differ from Real News. Hence, they were very confident.

Pilot Project Implementation


The first and the second figures show the group's presentation during the demo day. The third picture shows the board game itself during implementation with the seniors in MYMCA. By gamifying the process of understanding Fake News better using a board game (Monopoly) like format, it makes the content more engaging and fun. Seniors and even executive members who visited our booth during the demo day were intrigued and showed interest in playing the game. Laughter echoed around the room as people eagerly vied to win and purchase numerous 'Singapore' properties.

Main Takeaways: Our main takeaways was that the aging society in Singapore is well taken care of compared to other parts of ASEAN countries, hence, the best thing to do is to maintain and better existing efforts. Our group came up with this board game to provide community partners such as MYMCA with a new variety of engaging games for the society.

Group 6: Workshop for caregivers to tackle fake news using the format of S.U.R.E

Community Partner: SG Assist

Target Audience – Caregivers, age 30-60 years old

Brief Project Overview:

Caregivers should be able to: -Identify importance of fake news in their life -Differentiate elements like sensational headlines, grammatical errors and URL links between real and fake news -Critically assess an article quickly -Learn how to be skeptical, skill sets to be savvy.


Numerous caregiver communities are left to follow and share unsafe health actions; which, in turn could lead to health deterioration for the individual and their immediate community.

Activities and Initiatives: